- Publisher: EDP SCIENCES S A
- ISSN: 2272-2394
- Journal Impact Factor: 1.5
- SJR: 0.319
- Journal Quartile: Q3
- Publication Language: English
- Indexing: Scopus, Web of Science, DOAJ, UGC
- Open-Access: Yes
- Country of Publication: 17, AVE DU HOGGAR, PA COURTABOEUF, BP 112, LES ULIS CEDEX A, FRANCE, F-91944
- Review Process: Peer review
- H-Index: 15
- Plagiarism Policy: Yes
- Time Between Submission and Publication (in weeks): 8
- Article Publication Charges: Yes
- Article Publication Charges: 500 EUR
- Waiver Policy: Yes
- Publication Area: Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
- Journal Official Website: http://epjam.edp-open.org/