UGC API Score Calculator (TABLE - 2) (Academic / Research Score)

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1 Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed (But Not Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor
Single Author 10
Two Authors 7
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 7
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed ( Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor
Single Author 15
Two Authors 10.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 10.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 4.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor less than 1
Single Author 20
Two Authors 14
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 14
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 6
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 1 and 2 (Include 1 & 2)
Single Author 25
Two Authors 17.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 17.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 7.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 2 and 5 (Don't Include 2)
Single Author 30
Two Authors 21
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 21
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 9
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 5 and 10 (Don't Include 5)
Single Author 35
Two Authors 24.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 24.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 10.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor > 10 (Don't Include 10)
Single Author 40
Two Authors 28
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 28
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 12
2 (a) Books Authored published by Intenational Publishers
Single Author 12
Two Authors 8.4
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 8.4
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.6
Books Authored published by National Publishers
Single Author 10
Two Authors 7
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 7
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 3
Publication of Chapter in Edited Books (Not Paper/Article in Edited Books)
Single Author 5
Two Authors 3.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 1.5
Editor of Book by International Publishers
Editor / Editors 10
Editor of Book by National Publishers
Editor / Editors 8
2 (b) Translation Work of Chapter or Research Paper
Single Author 3
Two Authors 2.1
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.1
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 0.9
Translation Work of Book
Single Author 8
Two Authors 5.6
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 5.6
Join Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.4
3(a) Development of Innovative pedagogy
Contributor / Contributors 5
3(b) Design of New Curricula and Courses (ICT Based)
Contributor / Contributors 2
3 (c) Development of Complete MOOC's in 4 Quandrant (4 Credit Course)
4 Credit Course 20
3 Credit Course 15
2 Credit Course 10
3 Credit Course 5
MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per module / lecture
Module / Lecture Creator (Per Module) 5
Content writer/subject matter expert for each module of MOOCs (at least one quadrant)
Content Writer / Subject Matter Expert (Per Module) 2
Course Coordinator for MOOCs
4 Credit Course 8
3 Credit Course 6
2 Credit Course 4
3 Credit Course 2
3 (d) Devlopment of E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book
E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book 12
E-Content (developed in 4 quadrants) per module
Modules 5
Contribution to development of E-Content module in Complete Course / Paper / E-Book (at least one quadrant)
Contributor 2
Editor of E-Content for Complete Course / Paper / E-Book
Editor 10
4 (a) Ph.D. Guidance (Degree Awarded)
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Single Supervisior) 10
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 7
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Co-Supervisior in Join Guidance) 7
Ph.D. Guidance (Thesis Submitted)
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Single Supervisior) 5
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 3.5
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Co-Supervisior in Join Guidance) 3.5
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation Guidance
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation (Single Supervisior) 2
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation (Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 1.4
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation (Co-Supervisior in Joint Guidance) 1.4
4 (b) Research Project Completed (More than 10 Lakhs)
Single Investigator 10
Principal Investigator in Joint Project 5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 5
Research Project Completed (less than 10 Lakhs)
Single Investigator 5
Principal Investigator in Joint Project 2.5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5
4 (c) Research Project Ongoing (More than 10 Lakhs)
Single Investigator 5
Principal Investigator in Joint Project 2.5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5
Research Project Ongoing (Less than 10 Lakhs)
Single Investigator 2
Principal Investigator in Joint Project 1
Co-investigator in Joint Project 1
4 (d) Consultancy
Consultancy 3
5 (a) Patent Registered
International 10
National 7
5 (b) Policy Document (International Body/Organization/Central Govt. or State Govt.)
International 10
National 7
State 4
5 (c) Awards / Fellowship
International 7
National 5
6 Invited lectures / Resource Person/ paper presentation in Seminars/ Conferences/full paper in Conference
International (Abroad) 7
International (Within Country) 5
National 3
State University 2
Total Score without Caping
30 % of Total Research Score
Total Score of 5(b) + 6
Capped Score of 5(b) + 6

Note: Assessment must be based on evidence produced by the teacher such as: copy of publications, project sanction letter, utilization and completion certificates issued by the University and acknowledgements for patent filing and approval letters, students’ Ph.D. award letter, etc;

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