- Publisher: ELSEVIER
- ISSN: 2666-979X
- Journal Impact Factor: 11.1
- SJR: 4.863
- Journal Quartile: Q1
- Indexing: Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, DOAJ, UGC
- Open-Access: Yes
- Country of Publication: RADARWEG 29, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 1043 NX
- Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
- H-Index: 10
- Plagiarism Policy: Yes
- Time Between Submission and Publication (in weeks): 21
- Article Publication Charges: Yes
- Article Publication Charges: 8900 USD
- Waiver Policy: Yes
- Publication Area: Genetics & Heredity | Cell Biology
- Journal Official Website: https://www.cell.com/cell-genomics/home