Solved MCQs on Basic Research

MCQs on Basic research: Basic research is also known as pure research or fundamental research, is a type of scientific research with the aim of improving scientific theories.

In this blog post, we are providing Basic research MCQs with answers. The answers are bold.

Multiple Choice Questions on Basic Research with answers

  1. Select the correct code which indicates the basic elements which leads the entire process of research. 

a. Object, purpose and method Object,

b. method and population Population,

c. Sample and hypothesis

d. Hypothesis, sample and method

2. Research process intended to find out ultimate beneficiary of law is – 

a. Explicative

b. Collative

c. Evolutive

d. Identificatory

3. What is the aim of the Collative Model?

a. To find out the attitude, responsiveness and reactivity of society

 b. To compare two or more laws and to rule out the batter and relevant one

c. To find out the ultimate beneficiary of any law

 d. To ascertain the nature, scope and sources of law

4. Interactive legal research focuses to –  

a. Find out the factors showing an Interaction of researcher with the research

b. Study the interaction between relevant and irrelevant variables

c. Find out the facts evidencing interaction of social factors with the law

d. All the above

5. The research follows to study the impact of legal principle, rule or institution on society on the society is called as:

a. Social Study

b. Evolutive Study

c.  Impact Analysis

 d. Experimental Study

6. An ontological claim means that:

a. There is a reality, existing independently  of the human mind.

b. That reality may be known by the human mind.

c. To check the truth in changing social demands.

 d. To find out  the lacuna in existing social norms.

7. Every research action has a quest of knowledge which is known as –  

a. Purpose of research

 b. Object of research

 c. Result of research

d. None of the above

8. What is necessary  to get accurate, true and reliable outcomes of any research?

a. Reliable method

b. Proper order of steps

 c. Reasonable  procedure

d. All the above

9. The research which demonstrates the cause and effect relationship between the variables by manipulating them is called – 

a. Experimental Research

b. Variable Research

c. Empirical Research

d. Doctrinal Research

10. The research is – 

a. A voyage from known facts to unknown facts

b. Based on demonstrable facts

c. To conclude the truth

d. All the above

11. The objective of legal research is to:

a. Finding out the objectives of existing law and customs.

b. To check their utility in changing social demands.

c. To find out lacuna, if any,  and to take steps to overcome it.

d. All the above.

12. Select the correct order of data processing.

a. Collection of Data – Interpretation of Data –  Analysis of Data.

b. Collection of Data – Analysis of Data – Interpretation of Data.

c. Analysis of Data – Interpretation of Data – Collection of Data.

d. Analysis of Data – Collection of Data– Interpretation of Data.

13. Objectivism’ means –

a. a conscientious judgment without internal or external biasness

 b. independent from personal perception

c. both a & b

d. none of the above

14. In every research, the researcher claims following things in his objects –

a. ontological claim

b. epistemological claim

c. semantic claim

d. All the above

15. Incomplete, mislead or inconsistent  knowledge can be satisfied by-

a. Diagnostic research

 b. Comparative research

 c. Remedial research

d. Explanatory research

16. Research towards finding causes or variables responsible for the origin, existence and subsistence of problem which is known as a –  

a. Explanatory research

b. Diagnostic research

c. Comparative research

d. Remedial research

17. A  Remedial Research aims to find out the – 

a. Causes of problem

b. Effects of Problem

 c. Remedies for eradication and control of problem

d. All the above

18. A  research which  is used as a key to unlock present questions and to guide future actions by a systematic and chronological study of past events is known as –

a. Historical Research

b. Experimental Research

c. Diagnostic Research

d. Explanatory Research

19. Who propounded the Evolutionary theory? 

a. Anson

b. Kelson

c. Darwin

d. Watson

20. The research aims to ascertain the nature, scope and sources of law is called as:

a. Explicative.

b. Collative.

c. Evolutive.

d. Identificatory

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