If you are looking forward to organizing a workshop in your college, university, or any other place. It is always preferred to write a workshop proposal beforehand.
Also check, Steps to writing a research proposal for Ph.D./ Post Doc
Workshop proposal sample
A workshop proposal starts with a title of the workshop, date of the event, objectives of the workshop followed by the outcomes which you are expecting to generate from the workshop. Below you can download a sample that I created for organizing a workshop on my campus.

Contents of a workshop proposal
- Title of the Workshop
- Introduction
- About Speakers
- Objectives of the Workshop
- Outcomes of the Workshop
- Scheduling of the topics
- Duration and Dates.
Sample of Workshop Proposal
Department of Computer Science
The University of Punjab (Just for Sample)
“Two Days National Level Workshop on Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking”
Tentative Date: 28th– 29th November 2019
Hacking is not about illegal things it’s all about how to secure your cyberspace and system from attacks. In this workshop cyberethics, email hacking & security, malware attacks, windows system attacks, online data Investigation, credit card frauds & Cases, playing with Google by Google hacking, android mobile hacking etc. topics will be covered. This workshop aims to give Technocrats a basic knowledge of hacking and how to protect the systems against hazardous effects.
About Speakers:
Mr. Jatinder Singh (CEO & Founder, ABC Technologies)
Mr. Abhijeet Singh (Senior Security Analyst)
Objectives of the Workshop
- Exposure to Ethical Hacking, the latest tools and methods being used by cyber criminals & terrorists and how ethical Hackers can fight them.
- How attacks bypass your second step verification security of email within seconds.
- Reset Windows admin password (Include Window 7,8,10) within seconds with the help of guest account without any software.
- To familiarize the participants with the Analysis of Exploitation in various operating systems, Exploitation in network and also in preventing unauthorized access. The participants will be provided with certain software and tools used in penetration testing.
- Career guidance and scope of cyber security by experienced faculty.
The outcome of the Workshop:
The Participants
- will be able to find any malicious attacks and will be able to take defensive measure against it.
- will be able to find the vulnerabilities in the system and networks and report those vulnerabilities ethically.
- will have a clear understanding of security tools.
Topics for the workshop
Day 1:
- Introduction to Cyber Security
- Basics of Networking
- Information Gathering and Reconnaissance
- Simulators lab setup
- Desktop and Server Security
- Email Security
- Phishing Attacks
- Social-Engineering Attacks
Day 2:
- Web Application Attacks
- Google Dorks
- Linux Operating System
- Python Programming
- Wi-Fi Security
- Mobile Hacking and Security
- Bug Bounty Discussion
- Career Opportunities
Workshop duration:
2 days (16 hours, 8 hours/day)
Workshop Dates:
28th & 29th November 2019 (Tentative).