About Scopus
Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research papers. We can understand it as an indexer which indexed reputed journals over the world. At present, it indexes over 22,000 journals from more than 5,000 international publishers.
Scopus Author Search
You can use this free Scopus author lookup to search for any author. As shown in figure 1, you can search for a Scopus Author by inputting your last name, first name, and affiliation. Besides, you can also discover an author through his ORCID.

Author Feedback Wizard: Update your Scopus Author Profile
Either you can use the Author Feedback Wizard to verify your Scopus Author Profile and update your information. Through Author Feedback Wizard, you can
- Set a preferred name,
- Merge profiles (you might have been worked in two or more different institutions),
- Add and remove documents,
- Update affiliation (You can set your preferred or present affiliation).
Note: Please be advised that it may take up to seven days before your requested changes appear online.
As shown in figure 2, through Author Feedback Wizard, an author can set a preferred name. He/ she can merge two profiles into one. For instance, if an author has worked in a different institute than the present one, and he has created two different profiles. In that case, the two profiles of the same author can be merged. Besides, an author can add the documents by searching them manually if the research papers don’t add them automatically.
Dr. Sunny is an Assistant Professor in higher education. He has completed his Ph.D. He has a depth of knowledge in the research field and in higher education.