Steps to download ESCI journal list

From this blog post, you will be able to learn how to download the latest ESCI journals list directly from the Clarivate official website. Emerging Sources Citation Index List Note: Only registered (premium) members of Clarivate can download the SCIE journals list. All journals covered in the Web of Science database, regardless of who they … Read more

List of Open Access Journals in Business and Management

List of Open Access Journals in Business and Management

About Open access journals All articles in open-access journals that are published have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Business and Management Scopus journals Open Access Journals in Business and Management S. No. Journal Title Publisher ISSN 1 Carbon Balance and Management Springer Nature … Read more

SCOPUS indexed journals in Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is a field of research and innovation concerned with building ‘things’ – generally, materials and devices – on the scale of atoms and molecules. In the following section, we have listed SCOPUS-indexed Nanotechnology journals. The listed journals are published by Springer, IEEE, Inderscience, Bentham, and other reputed publishers. Anyone can send good research papers to … Read more

4305 UGC removed Journals list- Download PDF

UGC removed Journals 2021: In this blog post, we have published a list of the journals which have been removed by UGC. The UGC has received complaints about the inclusion of poor-quality or questionable journals from faculty, researchers, other members of the academic community as well as from press and media representatives. Considering these complaints, the … Read more

How do I find the best journal for my paper?

To find a suitable journal for your research paper is crucial.  However, beginners ignore and they send research papers in the random journal. As a consequence, a lot of time and energy consumption is wasted. If you are not sure where to submit your research paper, you can use Journal Finder facility to find best … Read more