Education journals with high acceptance rates

This post aims to provide a list of high-acceptance-rated education journals indexed in Scopus / Web of Science. We will be listing education-related journals whose acceptance rates are more than 25%. Springer and Elsevier publish these journals. More education journals: Free Scopus journals in education 6 Fast publishing Scopus journals in education 47 UGC CARE … Read more

Indian education journals list

Indian education journals list

There are various education journals published by Indian publishers but only a few publish quality research. This blog post aims to provide a list of Indian education journals indexed in Scopus, UGC CARE List, and Web of Science. We verified that these journals are indexed in Scopus (a few), and the UGC CARE list (Group … Read more

Free Scopus journals in education

Free Scopus SCI journals in education

This blog post aims to provide a list of free Scopus-indexed journals in education. We have listed around 20 Scopus/ SCI education journals that publish research without APC. Also check: 6 Fast publishing Scopus journals in education & 22 UGC CARE journals in Education There are various Scopus indexed journals that publish without any cost. … Read more

6 Fast publishing Scopus journals in education

Publish your research fast with Fast publishing Scopus journals in education. In this blog post, we are listing the education Scopus journals that publish in fast-track mode. Lists of Fast publishing Scopus journals in education 1. Innovative Higher Education Time to first decision: 19 days Aim & Scope: Innovative Higher Education is a refereed scholarly journal … Read more

Scopus indexed education journals

Scopus indexed education journals

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Scopus is currently indexing nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed education journals. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list 2023 PDF There are more than 1200 Scopus indexed journals … Read more

47 UGC CARE journals in Education

UGC CARE journals in Education

UGC CARE: To filter predatory journals and to promote quality research, the UGC has established “The Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics” (CARE) for the creation and maintenance of a “Reference List of Quality Journals” UGC CARE journals in Education: In this blog post, we have posted a list of Education journals approved by UGC … Read more

Web of Science Journals (SCI) in Education

Web of Science Education Journals: In this blog post, we have listed below the list of Web of Science (SCI) Journals in Education. We have listed more than 100 education journals that are indexed by the Web of Science (SCI). You can get the full list of the web of Science education journals from the … Read more