If you are looking for multiple-choice questions on research methodology and the related fields, then you are at the right place.
We have shared so many research-related MCQs in PhDtalks. This blog post aims to provide MCQs on journal metrics/ author metrics.
MCQs on journal metrics
1) The impact factor is NOT
Author metric
Journal metric
Calculated in 2, 3 or 5 years basis
helpful in journal targeting
2) Which journal metric tracks citations of the last two years
Impact Factor
H5 index
Article Influence
3) Which journal metric tracks citations of the last three years
Impact Factor
H5 index
4) The five-year based journal metric is
Impact Factor
Article Influence
5) The impact factor depends on (select more than one options, if applicable)
Number of citations
Number of publications
Number of downloads
Number of views
6) Eigenfactor is the Journal metrics for controversial fields of research
7) Review Articles are cited more than other types of articles
8) Cite score covers
All types of publications
Only research articles
Only review articles
b & c both
9) Which is the right answer regarding the following pair of metrics and their number of year’s basis
Eigenfactor, AI – 5 year
CiteScore, SNIP, SJR – 3 year
Impact Factor – 2 year
All of the above
10) Which is an indexing agency
11) Which is an author metric
Impact Factor
H index
H5 index
H index
12) For author’s publications, if each 10 papers are cited 10 or more times, the h index will be
13) H index
Increases always
Increases or decreases with IF
Does not change
Increases or decreases in every three years
14) For an author, generally, H index is the highest in
Web of Science
a & b both
Google Scholar
15) According to Hirsch, for a below-average biomedical researcher
h index < no. of years of experience
h index = number of years of experience h index > no. of years of experience
h index = 1
16) Platform-independent author identifier is
Scopus ID
17) i10 index refers to
10 paper with 10 or more citations
number of paper with 10 or more citations
a & b
None of the above
18) g-index gives more weight to
number of citations only
highly impact journals
number of publications only
highly-cited articles
19) H index cannot indicate
historical potential of author
credibility of research of author
a & b both
Current potential of a senior author
20) I10 index is an author metric by
Web of Science
Google scholar
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