Computer science journals list with impact factor

Publish your research in computer science journals that have good impact factors. The Impact Factor is an annual ranking report generated by Clarivate every year. It measures the importance of a journal. This blog post will be providing a list of 50 computer science journals with their impact factors. List of computer science journals’ impact … Read more

Open Access journals in Computer Science

open access computer science journals

Open access refers to free, unrestricted online access to research outputs. Open access content is open to all, with no access fees. This blog post is providing a list of open access computer science journals. All the below listed open-access journals are peer-reviewed and published by reputed publishers like Springer, Elsevier, etc; List of Open Access … Read more

Top machine learning journals

top machine learning journals

This blog post aims to present the top 14 machine learning journals to publish Machine learning and artificial intelligence-related research. List of top Machine Learning journals S. No. Journal Title Impact Factor Aim & Scope 1 Science Robotics 23.75 Actuators, advanced materials, artificial Intelligence, autonomous vehicles, bio-inspired design, exoskeletons, fabrication, field robotics, human-robot interaction, humanoids, … Read more

Q1 journals in computer science: Download the list

In this blog post, you will be able to download the list of Q1 journals for computer science. These journals of computer science are highly reputed. Prepare your manuscript and send your research article. List of Q1 Journals in Computer Science The First 35 journals from the Excel list are shown below. These 35 journals … Read more

List of Computer Science Journals

computer science journals

50 Computer Science Journals are presented in this post. These journals are reputed, since they are published by reputed publishers like Springer, Wiley, ACM, AAAI, etc; International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing The International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC) is an international refereed research journal integrating the disciplines of pervasive … Read more