Psychiatry journals list

Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders. This blog post aims to provide you with a list of psychiatry journals. The list contains free as well as paid journals. Moreover, the best psychiatry journals are also listed.

List of psychiatry journals

Some journals also provide the options for authors to publish either free or open access. Further, the given journals in the list are indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed.

Journal TitlePublisherE-ISSNImpact Score
Lancet Psychiatry,TheElsevier Ltd.22150374, 2215036614.71
Journal of Abnormal PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association1939843X, 0021843X6.54
Translational PsychiatryNature Publishing Group215831887.25
Bipolar DisordersBlackwell Munksgaard13995618, 139856473.26
Dialogues in Clinical NeuroscienceServier International19585969, 129483225.22
Psychiatry ResearchElsevier Ireland Ltd01651781, 187271239.16
Journal of Psychiatric ResearchElsevier Ltd.18791379, 002239564.83
Journal of Psychiatry and NeuroscienceCanadian Medical Association14882434, 118048823.98
Schizophrenia ResearchElsevier BV09209964, 157325093.28
PsychoneuroendocrinologyElsevier Ltd.03064530, 187333604.41
European NeuropsychopharmacologyElsevier0924977X, 187378624.39
International Journal of Bipolar DisordersSpringerOpen219475114.8
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion DysregulationBioMed Central Ltd.205166734.22
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical NeuroscienceD. Steinkopff-Verlag14338491, 094013344.19
Early Intervention in PsychiatryWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd17517885, 175178933.41
World Journal of Biological PsychiatryTaylor and Francis Ltd.18141412, 156229752.75
Journal of Neural TransmissionSpringer Verlag03009564, 143514633.59
Frontiers in Human NeuroscienceFrontiers Media S.A.166251613.32
NeuropsychobiologyS. Karger AG0302282X, 142302243.86
Acta NeuropsychiatricaCambridge University Press16015215, 092427083.22
Chronic StressSAGE Publications Inc.247054702.73
Psychiatry InvestigationKorean Neuropsychiatric Association173836842.99
Neuropsychiatric Disease and TreatmentDove Medical Press Ltd.117663282.92
Psychiatric GeneticsLippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.14735873, 095588292.56
BioPsychoSocial MedicineBioMed Central Ltd.175107592.86
Journal of EMDR Practice and ResearchSpringer Publishing Company1933320X, 193331961.75
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesKowsar Medical Publishing Company17358639, 173592870.88
NeuroRegulationInternational Society for Neurofeedback & Research237305870.67
Journal of Psychedelic StudiesAkademiai Kiado255992831
Activitas Nervosa SuperiorSpringer International Publishing AG180296980.37
L.O.G.O.S. InterdisziplinairUrban und Fischer Verlag Jena0944405X0.04
Yeni SymposiumUniversity of Istanbul13044591, 130087730.08
Chinese Journal of PsychiatryZhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe100678840
Modern trends in psychiatryS. Karger AG2504124X, 250404640
World PsychiatryWiley-Blackwell1723861714.44
Annual Review of Clinical PsychologyAnnual Reviews Inc.15485951, 1548594320.71
JAMA PsychiatryAmerican Medical Association21686238, 2168622X10.1
Alzheimer’s and DementiaJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.15525279, 1552526011.67
Clinical Psychology ReviewElsevier Inc.18737811, 0272735810.75
American Journal of PsychiatryAmerican Psychiatric Association0002953X, 153572287.05
Molecular PsychiatryNature Publishing Group14765578, 1359418411.91
Lancet Healthy Longevity, TheElsevier Ltd.266675687.42
Biological PsychiatryElsevier USA00063223, 187324027.03
Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsS. Karger AG00333190, 142303488.26
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryElsevier Ltd.08908567, 152754185.4
Developmental ReviewMosby Inc.02732297, 109024068.09
Evidence-Based Mental HealthBMJ Publishing Group1468960X, 136203479.05
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied DisciplinesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00219630, 146976107.28
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and PsychiatryBMJ Publishing Group1468330X, 002230507.41
Journal of Anxiety DisordersElsevier Ltd.08876185, 1873789713.2
Depression and AnxietyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd10914269, 152063947.65
Acta Psychiatrica ScandinavicaWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd16000447, 0001690X5.58
Journal of Consulting and Clinical PsychologyAmerican Psychological Association0022006X6.89
Psychiatry journals list

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good impact factor for a journal in psychiatry?

The journal World Psychiatry has an impact factor of 49.548. However, an impact factor of more than 3 is considered good in Psychiatry.

Is JAMA Psychiatry a good journal?

JAMA Psychiatry is a good journal having an impact factor of 21.596. The journal publishes research in the field of Psychiatry and Mental Health. This journal is published by American Medical Association. The ISSN of this journal is 21686238.

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