Paid Scopus indexed journals with fast publication

If you are looking for Scopus Research Journals that publish in a fast manner, then you are at the right place. In this blog post, we have listed reputed paid Scopus-indexed journals that publish research articles in a short time.

Note: Some of these journals also publish research papers for free. You can check more information like processing fees, indexing, etc. by clicking on the journal title.

List of Paid Scopus indexed journals

S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSN
1Brazilian Journal of BiologyInternational Institute of Ecology1678-4375
2Methods in Molecular BiologyHumana Press1940-6029
3Indian Journal of Medical Research
(Discontinued Now)
4Biomedicine (India)Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists9702067
5Journal of Business Economics and ManagementVilnius Gediminas Technical University20294433
6Indian Journal of Economics and Business 
(Discontinued Now)
7International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and ManagementIGI Global Publishing0974-6250
8Africa Journal of ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.2332-2373
9Indian Journal of Computer Science and EngineeringEngg Journals Publications2231-3850
10Mathematics and StatisticsHorizon Research Publishing2332-2071
11International Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesHorizon Research Publishing2381-4381
12CryptographyMDPI AG2410-387X
13International Journal of Management Science and Engineering ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.17509661
14Economy of RegionInstitute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences20726406
15Journal of Computer ScienceScience Publications15526607
16 Indian Journal of Finance Associated Management Consultants Private Limited
17International Journal of TechnologyFaculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia2087-2100
18JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGYMary Ann Liebert1066-5277 / 1557-8666
20European Journal of Applied PhysiologySpringer Nature1439-6319/1439-6327
21China Journal Of Accounting StudiesTaylor & Francis Group2169-7221
22Applied Biological ChemistrySpringerOpen2468-0842
23Journal of Circadian RhythmsUbiquity Press1740-3391
24Algorithms For Molecular BiologyBMC1748-7188
25IET Systems BiologyWiley1751-8857
26Biosafety and HealthElsevier2590-0536
27International Journal Of Agricultural And Biological EngineeringChinese Society of Agricultural Engineering1934-6352
28Communications BiologyNature Portfolio2399-3642
29Economic SystemsElsevier9393625
30European Journal of Health EconomicsSpringer Nature16187598, 14396637
31Frontiers in Computer ScienceFrontiers Media S.A.2624-9898
32Agricultural and Resource EconomicsInstitute of Eastern European Research and Consulting2414-584X
33Brain InformaticsSpringer Berlin21984018, 21984026
34Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce ResearchMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)7181-876
35Conservation Science in Cultural HeritageDipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita di Bologna (Ravenna)1973-9494, 1974-4951
List of Paid Scopus indexed journal

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Fast publishing Scopus and SCI (Web of Science) journals

Source: Scopus

158 thoughts on “Paid Scopus indexed journals with fast publication”

  1. Hi, I am research scholar and I want to publish my paper with in 2 months, please suggest me the journal which is scopus listed and my area is finance.

  2. I want to publish my paper soon with UGC care I am ready to Pay Pls Suggest me journal my topic is Chemopropfiling and Isolation also the cell line study

  3. I want to Publish some papers under the UGC care list so I need to know about the cost price for each paper to publish, kindly send me the details regarding the same.

    Thanks & Regards


  4. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am an electrical engineering research scholar and I required an electrical engineering paper with a high acceptance rate from scopous and Web of Science journals. With your kind advice about the journal

  5. Namaste. Could you please suggest any Scopus-Indexed Journal with a quick response time & high acceptance rate in the areas of Disability/ Education? Thank you.

  6. sir, please suggest a journal for Reliability Engineering of scopus indexed with high % of acceptance and fast acceptance for publication.

  7. I want to publish my paper in scopus indexed journal within two months in the field of mathematics. Please suggest me some journals related to my topic

  8. I am a Research Scholar in Business, Retail, Fashion and marketing Management. I have to publish my article in 2 months. can you please suggest any paid/non paid journal.

  9. Respected sir, i have my final submission in January. Please help me to publish my article in paid Scopus with in 1 month. My topic is drug loaded bio polymeric material.

  10. Good noon. I want to publish my research paper within a month.Could you please suggest any Scopus-Indexed less paid Journal with a quick response time & high acceptance rate in the area of financial management. Kindly reply me

  11. Dear sir I want to published my article within a month in the field of pharmacy ,can you upto 10,000/- processing fees, please suggest the journal name with processing fees, and please help in regards , if somebody can help in modifying and publishing an article within a month.
    Thank you

  12. Hy I am a research scholar in the field of Library and Information Science i want to send an article for publication please kindly suggest for the appropriate one for me.
    Thank you

  13. Dear Sir,

    could you please suggest a journal in computer science which has high acceptance rate and will publish paper within January end 2022?

  14. I am a Mechanical Engineer, I want to publish a paper on electromechanical bikes as fast as possible. Please suggest to me some of the best journals where I can publish. If it paid also no issues.

  15. Hello, please can you suggest a fast publishing journal that can publish my article in one month, my article is on “managing ethnic workforce diversity”. Thank you.

  16. Respected sir, I am working on production of enzymes…Can you please suggest me a journal which can publish in a span of 1 or 2 months

  17. hello, I am a Ph.D. scholar in law, my paper is on domestic violence with men, I need to get my paper published in 2 months in a Scopus indexed journal please suggest some journals.

  18. hi sir, i am a pg student. I have to publish a paper in scopus journals with in 2months.Please suggest me a journal with low cost and hight acceptance rate & fast publication.And my subject is electronics-vlsi.
    Thanking you in advance.

  19. working as a research scholar, my research based on material science could you please suggest some Scopus index journals with high acceptance rate

  20. I want to publish my optimization of electroless caoting process parameters in scopus indexed journal. Please suggest journal which takes less time to publish

  21. Dear Dr. Sunny
    I would like to publish an article in the field of Language and Linguistics (Cognitive linguistics)
    Scopus Q3 or Q4 with the fastest Acceptance rate.
    Would you suggest a Journal, please?
    Thank you in advance…

  22. Hi dear friends,
    I would publish scientific articles about INFORMATION CULTURE.
    Low paid SCOPUS journals. I am not rich man.

  23. Hello sir,my name is sucheta kakde,
    I want to.published my paper under scopus or web of field is environmental engg and water resourses engg

  24. Hello sir,
    I have two papers on data mining. I want to publish them in Scopus-indexed journals within 1-2 months. I can afford up to $200 for the publication fee. Please help me, sir.

  25. I want to publish my 2 articles in the field of travel and tourism in a couple of month. APC 10k-15k/article is fine. Scopus – Q3 or Q4 is fine too.

    Kindly suggest

  26. I want to publish my 2 articles in the field of travel and tourism/marketing/management in a couple of month. APC 10k-15k/article is fine. Scopus – Q3 or Q4 is fine too.

    Kindly suggest

  27. I want to publish 2 articles in a Scopus journal of travel & tourism/marketing/management in a couple of months.

    Also, let me know if there are some Scopus indexed ABDC lists of journals.

    APC 10k-15k/article is fine.

    Q3 or Q4 is fine but must have some impact factor(0.4 is fine too)

    Kindly suggest.

  28. Dear Sir,

    I have to publish two papers in Scopus-indexed journals.
    The topic is IOT and ML-based Predictive Maintenance for Mechanical Pumps used in Manufacturing Industry.
    The time limit is within 1-2 months. I can afford up to 15,000- 20,000 for the publication fee.
    Kindly suggest.

  29. Dear sir I want to published my article within a month in the field of pharmacy ,can you upto 8,000/- processing fees, please suggest scopous indexing journal name with processing fees, and please help in regards , if somebody can help in modifying and publishing an article within a month.
    Thank you

  30. Hi I am master student and Want to publish paper in one week is it possible My topic is heat transfer ( Its Simulation based Work so can it be Publish ) And Plz Tell Me which journal

  31. Please suggest me paid scopus journal in the range of 100-200 USD/Euro with least impact factor of 1.1 in thee field of Environmental Engineering

  32. My topic is silk industry and my field is geography. I want to publish my paper within 2 months. kindly advice me the name of the paid journals either ugc approved or scopus indexed

  33. i needto publish manuscript related to fish disease pathogenesis within a month. please suggest me some journals with scopus-impact factor

  34. Dear Sir,

    I want to publish a paper “statistical analysis of stress parameters and meditation effects.” in a month.
    Please let me know a SCOPUS Q1/Q2/Q3 Journal which I can choose for this. APC should not be a problem.

  35. Dear Sir, can you please suggest a journal indexed in Scopus, fast publication to publish my research work within a month in the field of Graph Theory (Mathematics), with a nominal fee about 10k.

  36. I would like to publish an article in architectural conservation and heritage related journal, it can be paid, but to be published in 2-3months

  37. hi sir,
    I want to know some scopus index paid journals where I can publish my papers on partition literature. Within a month. Fees should be less than 25k. thanks in advance.


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