Brazilian Journal of Biology impact factor & publication fees

This blog post aims to provide all the important details regarding the “Brazilian Journal of Biology”. Check below the Brazilian Journal of Biology impact factor and the publication fees.

The first issue of the Brazilian Journal of Biology was published in April 1941, under the name Revista Brasileira de Biologia, after the formation of the Sociedade de Biologia do Brasil, with funding from the philanthropist Guilherme Guinle.

Its objective is to publish articles with original research results in any branch of the biological sciences. 

Brazilian Journal of Biology Impact Factor 2022

The latest impact factor for the Brazilian Journal of Biology is 1.651.

The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times its articles are cited.

Brazilian Journal of Biology publication fees

This journal charges the following fee to the authors:

R$ 2,500.00 (Original Articles and Reviews)

R$ 1,200.00 (Scientific and Editorial Notes)

Other countries: Publication fee: U$ 680.00.

Important Metrics

Journal Title:Brazilian Journal of Biology
Publisher:International Institute of Ecology
Open Access:YES
Subject:Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all)
Brazilian Journal of Biology

Official Website of this journal:

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