SCI journals in statistics list

SCI journals are always considered reputed journals worldwide. This blog post aims to provide a list of SCI statistics journals.

Also, browse Scopus-indexed Statistics journals.

List of SCI journals in Statistics

American StatisticianTaylor and Francis Ltd.00031305, 153727318.47
Scientific dataNature Publishing Group205244637.7
Probability Theory and Related FieldsSpringer New York01788051, 143220641.9
BiostatisticsOxford University Press14654644, 146843574.43
Statistical ScienceInstitute of Mathematical Statistics88342371.9
R JournalR Foundation for Statistical Computing207348591.68
Annals of Applied ProbabilityInstitute of Mathematical Statistics105051641.98
Finance and StochasticsSpringer Verlag14321122, 094929842.07
Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.10618600, 153727151.84
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd03059049, 146800842.98
Electronic Journal of StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics193575241.18
Annales de l’institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics24602031.4
Communications in Analysis and GeometryInternational Press of Boston, Inc.101983851.19
Annals of Applied StatisticsInstitute of Mathematical Statistics19417330, 193261571.84
Electronic Journal of ProbabilityInstitute of Mathematical Statistics108364891.05
Journal of Survey Statistics and MethodologyOxford University Press23250992, 232509841.97
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in SocietyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd09641998, 1467985X2.42
Statistica SinicaInstitute of Statistical Science101704051.23
TestSpringer New York11330686, 186382601.4
Statistics and ComputingSpringer Netherlands09603174, 157313752.22
Insurance: Mathematics and EconomicsElsevier16766872.16
SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty QuantificationSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications216625252.04
International Statistical ReviewWiley-Blackwell03067734, 175158231.47
Scandinavian Journal of StatisticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14679469, 030368981.23
Statistical PapersSpringer New York09325026, 161397981.72
Journal of Management AnalyticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.23270039, 232700127.41
Journal of Multivariate AnalysisAcademic Press Inc.0047259X, 109572431.39
Statistics SurveysInstitute of Mathematical Statistics193575162.29
Journal of Causal InferenceWalter de Gruyter GmbH21933685, 219336771.9
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied StatisticsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00359254, 146798761.6
Biometrical JournalWiley-VCH Verlag03233847, 152140361.48
Electronic Communications in ProbabilityInstitute of Mathematical Statistics1083589X0.66
Scandinavian Actuarial JournalTaylor and Francis Ltd.03461238, 165120301.79
Journal of Time Series AnalysisWiley-Blackwell01439782, 146798921.07
Econometrics and StatisticsElsevier BV245230621.49
Statistical ModellingSAGE Publications Ltd1471082X1.09
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental StatisticsSpringer New York10857117, 153726932.3
Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceElsevier37837581.12
MetrikaSpringer Verlag1435926X, 002613351.09
Journal of Nonparametric StatisticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.10290311, 104852520.99
Mathematics and Financial EconomicsSpringer Verlag186296791.25
International Journal of BiostatisticsWalter de Gruyter GmbH155746791.59
Journal of Theoretical ProbabilitySpringer New York15729230, 089498400.78
SCI journals in Statistics

2 thoughts on “SCI journals in statistics list”

  1. I am Lecturer University of Gondar, Ethiopia. I want to publish My research paper in Scopus indexed journals.


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