Q1 journals in social sciences: Download list

Each subject category of journals is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list. This blog post aims to provide a list of Q1 journals in the Social Sciences. There are 2,380 Q1 Social Sciences journals.

List of Q1 journals 2023: All Subjects, Download the pdf

List of Q1 journals in Social Sciences

Below are the top 50 Social Sciences 1st Quartile journals. However, you can download the complete Q1 Social Sciences journals from the next section.

S. No.Journal TitleISSNSJRScope
1Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior9.807Social Psychology
2Personality and Social Psychology Review108886839.757Social Psychology
3Review of Economics and Statistics3465358.999Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
4Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report14921957.992Health (social science)
5Nature Climate Change1758678X6.749Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
6Journal of Business and Economic Statistics73500155.062Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
7MMWR Recommendations and Reports1057598740.949Health (social science)
8Journal of Personality and Social Psychology2235144.455Social Psychology
9Research in Organizational Behavior19130853.962Social Psychology
10Social Issues and Policy Review175123953.798Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
11Social Issues and Policy Review175123953.798Social Psychology
12The Lancet Planetary Health3.535Health (social science)
13Nature Human Behaviour3.434Social Psychology
14Social Psychological and Personality Science194855063.276Social Psychology
15Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics107699863.066Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
16Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions221042243.028Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
17Business and Society765032.983Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
18Human Relations1872672.91Social Sciences (all)
19Econometric Theory26646662.894Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
20Journal of Applied Econometrics88372522.878Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
21European Journal of Personality89020702.839Social Psychology
22European Review of Social Psychology104632832.728Social Psychology
23Tobacco Control96445632.715Health (social science)
24Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin14616722.584Social Psychology
25Organizational Psychology Review204138662.464Social Psychology
26Political Psychology0162895X2.419Social Psychology
27Language Testing26553222.419Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
28Journal of Experimental Social Psychology2210312.401Social Psychology
29Journal of Industrial Ecology108819802.377Social Sciences (all)
30Energy Research and Social Science2.313Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
31Sociological Science2.311Social Sciences (all)
32European Union Politics146511652.241Health (social science)
33Trauma, Violence, and Abuse152483802.166Health (social science)
34Future of Children105482892.134Health (social science)
35Applied Psychological Measurement14662162.083Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
36Journal of Personality2235062.082Social Psychology
37Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability187734352.029Social Sciences (all)
38MMWR Surveillance Summaries1546073819.961Health (social science)
39AIDS and Behavior109071651.994Social Psychology
40Mathematical Finance96016271.98Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
41Methodology161418811.979Social Sciences (all)
42Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency2242781.929Social Psychology
43Public Opinion Quarterly0033362X1.929Social Sciences (all)
44Social Science and Medicine27795361.913Health (social science)
45Journal of Youth and Adolescence4728911.883Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
46Journal of Youth and Adolescence4728911.883Social Psychology
47Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology93379541.863Health (social science)
48Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology93379541.863Social Psychology
49Sociology of Religion106944041.861Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
50British Journal of Social Psychology14466651.855Social Psychology
Q1 journals social sciences

Download the Q1 Social Sciences journals list


7 thoughts on “Q1 journals in social sciences: Download list”

  1. Good day

    May I please request the accredited journal lists to be emailed to me?
    Thank you and regards
    Anni Hesselink


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