Call for papers in Scopus indexed journals 2024

This blog post aims to list the calls for papers from various Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journals to be published in special issues.

Most of the listed special issues will publish papers free of cost. Subjects like Computer Science and Management Multidisciplinary are covered.

List of Call for Papers in Scopus indexed Journals

1) Statistical and Machine Learning for Investor Modelling

Journal: Journal of Behavioral Finance

Focus Areas: risk modeling, return forecasting, portfolio construction, financial distress prediction, and so forth

Manuscript deadline: 31 December 2024

Submission Link

2) Political and Transformative Approaches in Social Work

Journal: European Journal of Social Work

Focus Areas

understanding and addressing social issues in society

political social work

principles of social justice and human rights

Manuscript deadline: 28 February 2025

Submission Link

3) Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering

Journal Title: Data & Knowledge Engineering, Impact Factor: 2.7

Focus Areas

  • Information Systems and their Engineering​User-Oriented Approaches
  • Data and Information Management
  • Enterprise Management and Engineering
  • Domain-specific IS Engineering
  • Data Science
  • Information Infrastructures
  • Reflective Research and Practice

Manuscript submission deadline: 01/02/2025

Submission link

4) Understanding Language Use in Human-Generative AI Communication in Educational Contexts

Journal: Linguistics and Education, Impact Factor: 1.6

Focus Areas

human-GenAI communication

role of GenAI in fostering linguistic competencies and influencing specific patterns of language use in educational contexts

Submission deadline: 07 April 2025

Submission Link

5) IoT-Based Systems for Resilient Smart Cities

Journal: Information, Impact Factor: 2.4

Focus Areas

  • IoT systems architectures for urban security
  • safety and security assessment of IoT systems
  • multisensor data fusion for safety-critical systems
  • middleware for real-time IoT-based applications
  • software engineering for local digital twins
  • model-based engineering of safety-critical IoT systems
  • dependability of autonomous systems for smart cities
  • semantic sensor networks and knowledge graphs for resilient cities
  • ontologies for resilient IoT systems

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 November 2024

Submission Link

6) Microvascular Function: Experimental and Computational Perspectives

Journal: Microvascular Research, Impact Factor: 2.9

This special issue highlights computational modeling and experimental studies investigating hemodynamic transport, microvascular signalling, and their integral roles in regulating microvascular function.

Submission deadline: 31 December 2024

Submission Link

7) Trending topics in International Business and Finance

Journal: Research in International Business and Finance, Impact Factor: 6.3

Focus Areas

  • Just Transition
  • Financial inclusion
  • Nature finance and biodiversity loss
  • Circular economy
  • Funding the transition

Submission deadline: 31 December 2024

Submission Link

8) Digital Technologies for Sustainable International Business

Journal: International Business Review, Impact Factor: 5.9

This Special Issue addresses the intersection of digitalization, internationalization, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within international business (IB) research.

Submission deadline: 31 January 2025

Submission Link

9) Moving Towards Sustainable Services in the Age of Digital Transformation

Journal: Journal of Service Theory and Practice

This special issue aims to coordinate and extend the scholarship on designing and managing sustainability in services in the age of digital transformation.

Closing date for manuscript submission: 10/06/2025

10) Call for Papers: Special Issue on Sustainable Computing

Journal: IEEE Internet Computing, Impact Factor: 3.7

This special issue seeks papers related to all aspects of Sustainable Computing.

Submissions Due: 15 October 2024

Submission Link

11) Rethinking science and technology strategies in a multipolar world

Journal: Research Policy

Focus Areas: role of science, technology, and innovation in the upcoming years

Submission deadline: 15 December 2024

Submission Link

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