Psychology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with answers

Get free access to important Psychology MCQ. In this blog post, we have written Psychology Multiple Choice Questions with answers.

These MCQs on Psychology are important for various exams.

Psychology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. What was the goal of the behaviourist approach to psychology?

 to use self-reports of experiences

 to objectively predict behaviour

 to condition humans to salivate upon the mere presentation of food

 to demonstrate the role of freewill in human behaviour via controlled experiments

2. Following criticisms of behaviourism, what was the new approach to exploring psychological phenomena to gain momentum?

 cognitive science



3. A double-blind control is an experiment where

 the participant is not aware of which condition they are in

 the experimenter is not aware of which condition the participant is in

 neither the experimenter nor the participant is aware of which condition the participant is in

 nobody has got a clue what is going on

4. What is the placebo effect?

 the belief that a substance is having an effect even when it isn’t

 an inactive substance or fake treatment produces a response in the patient

 a substance has an enhanced effect on a patient due to their belief in its efficacy

 a substance that fails to work on a patient because of their beliefs about its efficacy

5. William James’s ideas regarding psychological phenomena centred around the idea of:

 a stream of consciousness

 the sea of the subconscious

 a stream of subconsciousness

 a sea of consciousness

6. Perception is:

 an accurate representation of the world

 an appropriate representation of the world

 an adequate representation of the world

 a native representation of the world

7. A driver fails to notice a pedestrian who has just stepped out into the road. This is an example of:

 change blindness

 attentional blindness

 space-based attention

 inattentional blindness

8. The organ of Corti is responsible for:

 limiting sound amplitude so as not to damage the inner ear organs

 reducing the amount of environmental noise

 amplifying attended sounds

 converting basilar membrane movement to brain activity

9. Which area of the temporal lobes is thought to be specialized for processing face-like stimuli?

 the fusiform gyrus area (FGA)

 the focal face area (FFA)

 the fusiform facial area (FFA)

 the face formation arena (FFA)

10. What is the name for the phenomenon of experiencing one kind of impression when stimulated by a different sensory organ stimulus (e.g. tasting shapes, smelling colour, seeing sounds)?

 divided attention



 perceptual load

11. The direct perception of an object’s purpose is the:

 ecological optic



 optic array

12. Which one of the following is NOT a pair of Gestalt psychology principles?

 continuity and closure principles

 similarity and emergence principles

 symmetry and order principles

 proximate and eminence principles

13. The “blind spot” refers to:

 the area of the retina that contains only rods and no cones

  the area of the retina that contains only cones and no rods

 the area where the optic nerve connects with the retina

 the area on the cornea where an astigmatism occurs

14. A subject takes longer naming the colour of the ink used when the word green is written in red than when the word button is written in red. This is an example of:

 automatic processing


 the Stroop effect

  the opponent process theory

15. If the olfactory sense were eliminated, a blindfolded person tasting a peeled apple and a peeled raw potato would most likely:

 experience the same tastes as usual

  be unable to distinguish between the taste of the apple and the taste of the potato

 taste the potato as more bitter than usual

 taste the potato as sweeter than usual

16. Which of the following is the best example of a primary reinforcer?




 new clothes

17. John Watson’s conditioning of Little Albert to fear a white rat was based on

  little Albert’s natural fear of the rat

 the reflexive relationship between fear and loud noises

 the child’s natural anxiety in the presence of strange

  little Albert’s ability to generalize fear to many different stimuli

18. When Pavlov repeatedly presented the conditioned stimulus without pairing it with the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response failed to occur. This is known as

 conditioning failure




19. The phenomenon in which young birds follow the first moving object they observe is





20. A woodworker is paid for every dozen cabinet doors carved. This worker is operating under a-schedule:





21. A mother has been giving her son ten rupees for every day that his room is clean. After several weeks, she decides that her son has learned the value of cleaning up and withdraws the daily reward. He stops cleaning his room. To which of the following is this response most likely to be attributable?

 an avoidance response



 negative reinforcement

22. A teacher wants an unruly child to sit still in the classroom. The teacher might reward the child for sitting for five minutes, then ten minutes, and so on. This strategy uses the technique called:




23. Behaviour therapists can help people to .overcome such unwanted habits as smoking or overeating through:

  operant conditioning

  observational learning

 place learning


24. The operant conditioning technique used to control physiological responses of which we are not normally aware is called:


 behaviour therapy

 observational learning

 biofeedback training

25. Biofeedback training, which can sometimes help subjects to control their own blood pressure and other internal physiological phenomena, is a variation of:

 classical conditioning

 operant conditioning

 observational learning


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