DHET accredited journals: If you are looking forward to getting the list of all the journals accredited by DHET (Department of Higher Education and Training), then you are at the right place. In this blog post, you will be able to download the list of DHET accredited journals in Excel format.
Download the DHET List of Approved Journals such as ISI journals, International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS) journals, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and South African journals.
The following indices are regarded as accredited journals by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). To receive a subsidy or recognition for an article you have written, you should select a journal that is accredited from one of the lists below.
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- Web of Science Journals
- List of approved South African journals as maintained by the DHET
- The Norwegian List (only level 2)
- Scopus
- DOAJ (Only applies from the submission in the year 2022 and onwards)
Download the DHET accredited journals 2023
View the DHET List of Approved Journals such as ISI journals, International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS) journals, (DOAJ), and South African journals.
Department of Higher Education and Training List of Approved South African Journals (2023)
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- Web of Science Collections
- List of approved South African journals is maintained by the DHET
- The Norwegian List (only level 2)
- Scopus Journals
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Guidelines for Submission of Journals for DHET Accreditation
When applying for inclusion in the Approved List of South African Journals, the following information must be submitted to the Department by 15 June for the journal to be considered for inclusion, effective the following calendar year:
- Title, including translations if not published in English;
- The ISSN of the journal;
- Publisher and the publisher’s address and contact details;
- Frequency of publication;
- Evidence that the journal has been published uninterrupted for a minimum of three years, as well as the latest three consecutive copies of the journal;
- Editorial policy, including evidence of the peer review process;
- Editorial Board – the status of the members of the editorial board must be stated together with their institutional affiliations;
- In the case of electronic journals, the journal’s internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL); and
- Proof of the journal’s library holdings and/or downloads for electronic publications.
More Related Posts to read:
- Difference between SCI, SCIE, and ESCI journals
- How to write and publish a research paper for journal publication?
- Best tools, and websites for Ph.D. students/ researchers/ graduates
Credit and Source: DHET
This is a good initiative to ensure good papers are published
May I kindly know whether the Universal Journal of Educational research is still on DHET accreted list? What is its Q ranking on Scimago?
Dear, this journal is not found in any indices followed by DHET.
Dear Dr Sunny I cannot find the following journals in any DHET ACCREDITED lists of journals.:
Aosis publishing: African Journal of Primary Health Care and family medicine and International Journal of Arts and Social Sciences? and MDPI JOURNALS: SUSTAINABILITY
Am I correct?
How best to search for a journal if accredited or not from these lists either than going manually page by page?
May I kindly know whether the International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) is on DHET accreted list?
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (ISSN : 2455-2976).
Can you please check for me
I just checked this journal. This journal seems good. However, it is not indexed in Scopus, Web of Science.
Good morning Dr. Please, can you help me with the list of 2023 DHET accredited journals? I need the list for the publication purpose. Normally, by this time we should have received it from our different universities. However, this year is different. Kindly assist me.
Thank you so much.
Dear, You can publish in any journal indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. All these journals are DHET-accredited journals.
For Scopus journals, You can visit https://phdtalks.org/2021/04/latest-scopus-indexed-journal-list-2021.html
Good Day Dr. Sunny
May I kindly know whether the IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa is on DHET accreted list?
Thank You
I think it is not a journal, just a conference. I feel so.
Dear Dr. Sunny,
Please kindly advise if Engineering Reports Journal by Wiley is DHET accredited.
Kind regards
Yes dear, I just checked that this journal is DHET accredited.